
I saw Voron Design’s documentation website and wanted to try it out myself. I decided I’d be using Netlify to host as it’s what I’ve used before. Thus, I will be following this guide from Netlify.

Installing Componenets

I needed to install Ruby, so I used brew install ruby. I then did open -e ~/.zshrc and added the code below to the end of the file:

if [ -d "/opt/homebrew/opt/ruby/bin" ]; then
  export PATH=/opt/homebrew/opt/ruby/bin:$PATH
  export PATH=`gem environment gemdir`/bin:$PATH

I quite terminal and reopenned it to apply the changes. I was able to confirm the installation with echo $PATH, brew list, and ruby -v.

I then downloaded RubyGems and unpacked the file. I changed to the directory and did ruby setup.rb. I was now ready to begin installing Jekyll.

I did the following to insatll and create a new project:

gem install jekyll

jekyll new PATH/TO/project

cd PATH/TO/project

bundle add webrick


I did the following still in my project folder:

bundle init

bundle install

git init

git add .

git commit -m 'Initial commit'

I then created a new repository on Github and used the repository URL below:

git remote add origin [your_Git_repository_URL]

git remote -v

git push -u origin master

I was also able to do jekyll serve and navigate to http://localhost:4000/ in my browser to see Jekyll.

Just the Docs

I added the line below to my Gemfile:

gem "just-the-docs"

I then added this line to my _config.yml:

theme: just-the-docs

In the project directory I executed:

$ bundle

After doing jekyll serve I was able to confirm the theme was working.


After pushing all my updates to GitHub, I was able to import the repository on Netlify and create a new page.


Setting up Jekyll with a theme was quite easy compared to WordPress. It’s not as simple as using Hugo, but it’s definitely not hard.